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Request your complimentary 20 minute consultation today. I work with clients worldwide.

Susan Morgan Taylor, MA
Somatic Sex Therapist and Sacred Sexuality Coach

Announcing The Libido Lessons Masterclass
3 Part Series

Friday February 4th-Sunday February 6th 2022 at 11am CST on Zoom

Are you tired of telling yourself that your “just not that sexual” but secretly wish you were having all those great experiences like the women in S&x and the City?

Are you tired of being labeled “low desire” (read: dysfunctional), and secretly wishing wish you could wave a magic wand over you sex drive so you could feel “normal” and not so broken.

Well I have just the solution you’ve been looking for.

The Libido Lessons 3 Day Live Masterclass Series

When: Friday February 4- Sunday February 6th at 11am

Where: Zoom

How: By RSVP ONLY here

What: I will be partnering with my friend and colleague Eleni Ottalagana—founder of the Women’s Health Clinic—to bring you The Libido Lessons—a masterclass specifically designed for women who:

  • Just don’t feel sexual, and secretly fear you might really be “asexual”.
  • Feel bad and give into sex just to keep your partner happy while silently wishing he would just “get it over with” so you can get back to your to do list.
  • Feel like you’re missing out as you see and hear all the hype about sex from other women, while you seem to remain uninterested in it.
  • You’re tired of feeling like you’re broken or the intimacy issues in your relationship are all your fault.
  • You’re so over lying awake at night with that knot of anxiety in your stomach, fearing the worst if you don’t fix this problem….
  • You’ve been wondering why you sometimes feel the urge to jump your partner one moment but then by the next you’ve totally lost interest---your inconsistent libido has got to go!

But here’s the thing. We are only opening participation into this masterclass to 10 committed women who are serious about taking control of their s&x life and getting their libido back online. This live studio audience will get to attend this event 100% free of charge.

A recording of the Masterclass will be made available for purchase after the live event.

Are you one of the 10? If so, please complete the training application form here:

Once we review your application, we will contact you to confirm your spot in the class.

Here’s What You’ll Learn During this Live Masterclass Series

  • The #1 biggest (and most overlooked) obstacle to libido and the fastest way to overcome it.
  • The 3 best kept secrets of the female sexual anatomy that they didn’t teach you in high school sex ed and how to use them to rev up your sex life.
  • Why the mainstream sex and intimacy “Gurus” have it all wrong and what you should be paying attention to instead.
  • The Top 2 toxic substances in your diet that are sabotaging your libido and how to rid your body of them.
  • How doing this ONE thing every day increases your sex dive exponentially and costs you nothing.

Ready to join us? Here’s how to do that:

  1. Complete the Masterclass application form here
  2. Be sure you are able to attend the event LIVE and stay for the full 45 minutes.
  3. After we review your application, we will contact you to confirm your enrollment and provide you with the Zoom link.

When: Friday February 4- Sunday February 6th at 11am

Where: Zoom

How: By RSVP ONLY here

About Your Hosts:

Susan Morgan Taylor, MA

Susan Morgan Taylor, MA is a licensed sex therapist and certified intuitive coach specializing in women’s sexuality and feminine spirituality. She is the founder of The Pathway to Pleasure Collective and the host of the podcast series Sex Talk Café.

As a professional member of The International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health (ISSWSH), a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP) and Certified Mental Health Integrative Medicine Provider (CMHIMP), she brings a special approach to her sex therapy practice that incorporates the mind-body connection as a source of intuitive knowing and healing for her clients that goes beyond just "talking" about a problem.

Susan’s specialty is in helping low desire women and couples in long term relationships find their voice, ditch the self-sacrifice, so that they can get back to love and sustainable intimacy, without the fear of hurting their partners feelings.

Eleni Ottalagana

Eleni is a Registered Dietitian, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner and Reiki Master. She specializes in women's health and PCOS. While working with Eleni, women can expect to utilize integrative tools and functional nutrition approaches to achieving better health. This may include nutrition & lifestyle counseling, mindset coaching and lab testing.

Eleni has been “training” since a young girl. Fascinated by holistic healing as young as five years old, she would accompany her mother on Saturdays to work at the local apothecary. From there, she discovered the world of functional and integrative medicine. She has gained experience working in private practice, studying the Mediterranean diet and sustainable farming methods in Italy, spending time with herbalists in Costa Rica and completing integrative health coaching courses outside of her formal nutrition training.

Request Your Copy of The Pleasure Keys eBook
Discover The 3 Keys to Enhance Pleasure, Expand Orgasmic Potential, and Experience Intimate Fulfillment
(a $47 value).

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2. Discover the 3 Secrets to Enhance Pleasure, Expand Orgasmic Potential and Experience Intimate Fulfillment. Request your free copy of The Pleasure Keys eBook. (a $47 value).

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