Request your complimentary 20 minute consultation today. I work with clients worldwide.

Request your complimentary 20 minute consultation today. I work with clients worldwide.

Susan Morgan Taylor, MA
Somatic Sex Therapist and Sacred Sexuality Coach

Sex Therapy for Couples

Back on the Same Page! tm
A  customized solution for committed couples who want sex and intimacy to feel easy, fun, and mutually satisfying so that they can get back on the same page without frustration, obligation, resentment or fear.
(even if your sex drives are totally mismatched or it’s been awhile!)

Sex Therapy for Couples. Get Back on the Same Page with Customized Intimacy Coaching and Relationship Help. 


Sex Therapy for Couples: Ready to Get Back on the Same Page tm?

You've tried couples therapy. You've read the books. You've listened to the podcasts.

But none of these have really helped to move the needle. 

Overall you have a great relationship. You get along well and consider yourself a great team.  But when it comes to the sex and intimacy part of the relationship things seem to go sideways. 

Over the months and years of not being able to figure this one out, you've defaulted into into negative habits that leave you both feeling resentful, frustrated, and frankly, somewhat hopeless. 

You just can't seem to get your relationship back on the same page when it comes to the sex and intimacy.  And so you're here now, finally looking for a solid solution so that you can create the sex and intimacy you deserve, and so that you can fix the problem, save your relationship and get back to the mutually fulfilling intimacy you both deserve. 

Couples sex therapy. Sex counseling and sex therapy for couples. Texas and North Carolina. USA Nationwide

Here's the Truth....

The truth is that new sex positions or fancy toys aren't going to cut it.  Learning trendy tantra "techniques" and "tricks" are also not going to get you where you want to go because simply having bigger or more frequent orgasms does not address the underlying root cause of the long standing issues you've been facing in your intimate relationship.  

All that may be fun to explore for a little while, but by now you've likely wasted enough time and money trying things that don't create the lasting impact you were hoping for. 

That's because to create mutually satisfying intimacy and sex for the long term, you need more than just techniques, tips and tricks. And you also need to do more than just talk about it in couples counseling. 

You need a foundational education and set of skills that can only be gained through experiential practices coupled with skilled professional guidance and personalized support. 

Everything else is just a temporary band aid that will keep you digging shallow holes while spinning your wheels, wasting your time, resources and energy, and never actually finding the gold. 

And ain't nobody got time for that!

Ready to Get Back on the Same Page?  Here's Your Path to Success

Sex therapy for couples with Susan Morgan Taylor. Signature program to get back on the same page. Sex counseling and sex therapy for couples. Texas and North Carolina and USA Nationwide

Allow me to help. I am a sex therapist and sex and intimacy coach  empowering hundreds of couples since 2015 to restore intimacy and deepen the intimate connection so that they can experience mutually satisfying sex and intimacy for the long term.

I personally struggled with and eventually overcame many of the same challenges you're facing. As a licensed therapist and certified coach I've dedicated my life to helping other's ditch the self sacrifice and get back to love because I truly believe we can change the world by how we have sex and make love.

Intimate relationships are the most powerful, efficient and effective place to make the biggest changes in our personal lives as well as to have an impact in the world at large.  Read more about my story and expertise on my bio here. 

About Back on the Same Page! tm

Sex therapy for couples. Sex counseling and intimacy coaching. Texas and North Carolina

Back on the Same Page! tm Is my signature and proprietary sex therapy for couples  program created to help you get the most results in the least amount of time.  It's a highly customized solution focused, structured, step by step journey into building the foundational skills and experiential education needed for your intimate relationship to succeed over the long term. 

How it Works

Back on the Same Page tm is a private program for couples who want to an effective and efficient solution to deepen connection, restore intimacy and get back to mutually satisfying sex and intimacy while ditching the self sacrifice and without spending years in couples therapy. 

This program provides experiential learning and education with 1:1 professional counseling and coaching in the three areas where couples struggle most:

  1. Communication skills and techniques for deepening connection and enhancing love.
  2. Activating pleasure and understanding desire and arousal so that you can navigate the erotic landscape without frustration, avoidance, or conflict. 
  3. Creating mutually satisfying sexual intimacy experiences that are sustainable over the long term and always know how to get on the same page even in the midst of differing desires.  

Who It's For:

Back on the Same Page! tm is for couples who are:

  • Ready to learn practical skills and approaches for a sustainable solution over the long term instead of only talking about the problem. 
  • In a long term committed relationship and want to ensure and insure it's long term health and success and reduce the chances of divorce, FOMO, or chronic resentment or unhappiness. 
  • Generally would describe their relationship as "overall really great" with the exception of a few challenges in the sex and intimacy part. 
  • Ready, willing, and able to put in the work and make an investment of time, energy, and resources in their intimate relationship. 
  • May feel a bit anxious about the whole process and/or talking about sex and intimacy openly and honestly in the presence of the therapist/coach but who badly want change and are willing to face a little discomfort for the overall benefits and gains. 

Who it's NOT For:

Back on the Same Page! tm is NOT for couples who are:

  • High conflict or unable to carry on a conversation without it leading to yelling or berating each other. 
  • Couples who prefer to only talk about their sexual problems rather than engage in experiential learning and skill building practices in order to actually resolve those problems. 
  • Couples who are resistant to or uncomfortable talking openly and honestly about sex and intimacy in the presence of the therapist/coach.
  • Couples who are unwilling to make a significant investment of their time energy and resources into saving their relationship or who are OK with the possibility of divorce, or living with chronic unhappiness. 

How it Works

Because every relationship is unique, I require every couple to first complete a complimentary consultation call with me to make sure we are a good match to work together. If it feels like a fit I will invite you to take the next step in the application process with me which would be to book your Assessment. 

How Much Does it Cost?

Because I create a custom curated program designed especially for you and your relationship I am unable to quote your program cost until after you complete your initial Assessment.

While this may be different than what you  may expect in working with sex therapist, this approach ensures that you are getting an accurate picture of total costs and ensuring that your goals and results are realized in a time and cost effective manner.

To do otherwise would be like asking a contractor to give you a quote on a kitchen remodel without ever looking at the kitchen or to provide an estimate the value of your home without an appraisal. 

To better understand how I help my clients get the best results in the least amount of time read more about how I work here

How to Apply

To learn more about this sex therapy for couples program and to see if I can help you and your partner get Back on the Same Page tm in your sex life, book your complimentary consultation with me now using the link below. 

Request Your Copy of The Pleasure Keys eBook
Discover The 3 Keys to Enhance Pleasure, Expand Orgasmic Potential, and Experience Intimate Fulfillment
(a $47 value).

Start Here

1. Get started by requesting your complimentary 20 minute consultation today. I work with clients worldwide.

2. Discover the 3 Secrets to Enhance Pleasure, Expand Orgasmic Potential and Experience Intimate Fulfillment. Request your free copy of The Pleasure Keys eBook. (a $47 value).

Pleasure Keys eBook Cover Couples V2
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