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Apply to Work With Me. I work with clients worldwide.

Susan Morgan Taylor, MA
Somatic Sex Therapist  for Couples

What Does Your Deeper Soul Desire?

Lately I've been revisiting one of my favorite books: Women who Run With the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes.

She talks about one of the ways we can stay in contact with our wild nature is to ask ourselves and have our partners ask us from time to time:

"What do you desire?" And more specifically, "What does your deeper soul desire?"

As women we often lose contact with our Wild nature--with our deep soul desire.

We get caught up in the world, in caretaking others, or feeling stuck in a relationship that doesn't really nourish our deep soul .

And so we wither.

Our instinctual nature withers.

We become bored. We feel disconnected.

We lose our libido, our lust for life, our creative soul.

So today I invite you to ask yourself--

"What does my deeper soul desire? What do I deeply long for? What do I really want and wish for?"

Pop on over to our Facebook community and post your response. 

You can join the conversation right here.


Susan (formerly Morgan)


One of the things I hear the most frequently from the women I work with is that one of the things they most deeply desire and long for is a deep and intimate connection with their spouse.

They have been in relationship for a long time and for many this is their second marriage. 

Their kids are older—out of the house or will be in a few years—and they are at a stage in their life where they have given a lot to others and are ready now to begin to unfurl what is within them, and discover what is possible for the intimacy in their marriage.

They’ve tried reading books, buying expensive vibrators, watching a Netflix documentary or two, and dragging their partner to couple therapy. 

But all of these things have left them frustrated because they have never received a way to have a direct experience,

Or a clear cut step by step process that can show them exactly HOW to overcome her own inner obstacles to sex, intimacy and love. 

She hasn’t been shown a practical way to build the skills of how to know her own needs, wants and deep desires, she doesn’t know how to speak up, to use her voice without fearing her partners reaction. 

And so she is frustrated, hopeless, and feels somehow deficient or broken.  Or she blames her partner for her lack of fulfillment.

She knows deep down that if something doesn’t change, the entire relationship is in jeopardy.  Someone eventually will cheat or leave. And this is the thing that keeps her up at night.

But deep down she knows that more is possible.  That there is something more that she just cannot seem to reach. 

If only someone could show her exactly HOW to get there that her life would be utterly transformed. 

She would feel connected, happier, more in the flow, and experience fewer arguments and misunderstandings.  

And this happiness at her newfound ability to connect intimately with her partner without the fear and anxiety and frustration, would permeate every other area of her life. 

She would be happy in a way she has only dreamed about.  If only she knew how to get there

This is exactly where I come in! 

I work with women over a period of 4 months and guide them through a proven step by step process that shows them exactly HOW to overcome the inner obstacles keeping them from the deep connection and love they so badly long for in intimacy. 

I show them the experiential practices that take them past the fear, the anxiety, and the walls of resentment and guilt so that they can finally learn how to know what they want and communicate their needs easily and without fear.

I show them how to be in control of their arousal and desire and how to actively TURN ON the juices of orgasmic energy so that they never again feel broken or deficient.

Now I know you may be wondering exactly HOW do I do this special magic?

Well that is exactly what I would like to share with you!!

Next Saturday January 16th at 11am CST I’ll be hosting a private program preview event where I will be giving you a behind the scenes look at exactly how I help women do this in my four month mentoring program--

Wake Up! Woman: How to Restore Intimacy and Get Back to Love (even if you’re low libido or just plain too tired) 

During this ONE TIME LIVE VIRTUAL event, You’ll get to learn about:

  • The two forms of pleasure and how our capacity to experience pleasure has been negatively impacted by our conditioning and past experiences.

  • Why women shut down to sex over time—and what you and your partner can do to get the mojo back.

  • The reason it’s so hard for women to speak up for their needs and how to overcome the habit of over giving. 

I’m only accepting a small handful of women to join me for this event (your spouse or partner is welcome to join you too if you wish!)

There’s no cost to attend but you do need to RSVP by completing a brief application.

If you’d like to join me for this one time LIVE virtual event then complete the application here now.

Once I review your application, I’ll reach out to you personally to confirm your space at the event!

You can complete that application right now right here.

Looking forward to sharing this magic with you next Saturday!



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Discover The 3 Keys to Enhance Pleasure, Expand Orgasmic Potential, and Experience Intimate Fulfillment
(a $47 value).

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2. Discover the 3 Secrets to Enhance Pleasure, Expand Orgasmic Potential and Experience Intimate Fulfillment. Request your free copy of The Pleasure Keys eBook. (a $47 value).

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