Request your free copy of The Pleasure Keys eBook here
Apply to Work With Me. I work with clients worldwide.
Apply to Work With Me. I work with clients worldwide.
We all know how it goes. The sex is great at the beginning of the relationship But, then after a few months (or even years if you’re lucky) something happens.
Something changes.
Suddenly you are not “in the mood” anymore.
Suddenly you just don’t “feel like it”.
Suddenly you find yourself identifying as a “low desire woman”.
Or you start condemning your partner for having “too high” a sex drive, making him wrong for only being interested in sex.
You may even give in once in a while just to get him to be quiet and to stop moping around the house (and to leave you alone in peace for just a few more days for godssake).
The disconnect and the arguments ensue: someone is hurt because they don’t feel wanted. The other person is upset because they feel like they are always giving and it’s still never enough.
Your wall goes up. You feel angry and frustrated and alone.
And on and on down the toilet this whole thing goes.
But imagine this:
What if you actually understood how desire works in your own body vs. your partners body and how neither one is “wrong” just different?
What if you understood how to work with that difference instead of against it?
And what if you could learn how to “get in the mood” at will with just a few regular practices done each day?
What if you had some rock-solid communication skills that could turn a potential argument into an opportunity for deeper connection?
And most importantly of all: What might be different if YOU took 100% responsibility for YOUR pleasure in your relationship?
Because here’s the thing. The truth is that you are 100% responsible for the experience YOU are having right now.
And if that experience is a far cry from the connection and love you really want please do not beat yourself up about it. Because most of us don’t have the knowledge of how to change these kinds of things on our own.
We don’t get the education or the support in our families, our schools or our society. Nobody teaches us this stuff.
Until now that is. I can help!
Ready to break free from this erotic bed death epidemic?
If so then get your name on my VIP list now for my upcoming online course Wake Up Woman!: How to Get “In the Mood”, Ditch the Self -Sacrifice, and Restore your Relationship with Sex, Pleasure and Intimacy (Even if You are Low Libido or Just Plain “Too Tired”) and get first dibs on my pre-launch bonuses including a complimentary Wake Up! Call with me.
In this course you will:
Let me show you how to get out from behind the wall of resentment and self-sacrifice so that you can save your relationships and get back to love. Get on the Wake Up Woman! VIP list here and be the first to know when enrollment opens and gain access to my pre-launch bonuses!
P.S. Curious to understand more about this inner work of
intimacy and sex that the other sex gurus are not teaching you?
Check out this weeks episode of the Sex Talk Cafe Podcast The Magic of "No": Resolving Resentment in Intimate Relationships"
Available on iTunes here or search for Sex Talk Cafe on your favorite podcast platform.
1. Apply to work with me by requesting your complimentary 20 minute consultation today. I work with clients worldwide.
2. Discover the 3 Secrets to Enhance Pleasure, Expand Orgasmic Potential and Experience Intimate Fulfillment. Request your free copy of The Pleasure Keys eBook. (a $47 value).
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