Apply to Work With Me.  I work with clients worldwide.

Apply to Work With Me. I work with clients worldwide.

Susan Morgan Taylor, MA
Somatic Sex Therapist and Relationship Coach  for Couples

Why Sex Therapy?

If you are facing challenges with sex, intimacy, your sexuality, or reproductive health then I want you to know that you are absolutely NOT alone! 

And, even more importantly there is nothing wrong with you or your body—you are NOT a problem to be solved and it is not your “fault” that things aren’t going the way you or your partner would like.

The very good news is that sex therapy, professional counseling, and relationship coaching can help individuals and couples like you who want to enjoy a fulfilling sex life if only you knew how to overcome the obstacles that seem to always be getting in your way.

Some common obstacles many individuals and couples face are:

  • Body image issues.
  • Menopausal changes.
  • Just not feeling like it.
  • Wishing he would just “get it over with”.
  •  Being stuck in your head.
  • He/She wants it more than you do.
  • You want it more than he/she does.
  • Not feeling sexy.
  •  Loss of passion. Sex is boring or routine.
  • Not knowing what I like or how to please my partner.
  • Infertility challenges have made sex feel like one more thing to check off of the to do list.
  •  Unable to reach orgasm or have never had an orgasm.
  • Saying yes when you really don’t feel like it just to keep your partner happy.

Sex therapy is a specialty within the mental health field that is specifically focused on helping individuals and couples like you to overcome these common obstacles so that you can have the sex life you want without the sacrifice.  

Is sex therapy the right solution for you?
Let's find out!

Schedule your complimentary 20 minute phone consultation today by clicking the button below. 

Request Your Copy of The Pleasure Keys eBook
Discover The 3 Keys to Enhance Pleasure, Expand Orgasmic Potential, and Experience Intimate Fulfillment
(a $47 value).

Start Here

1. Apply to work with me by requesting your complimentary 20 minute consultation today. I work with clients worldwide.

2. Discover the 3 Secrets to Enhance Pleasure, Expand Orgasmic Potential and Experience Intimate Fulfillment. Request your free copy of The Pleasure Keys eBook. (a $47 value).

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